- 负责亚太区直接物料的前期采购,直接向亚太区供应链副总裁汇报,管理直接采购团队;
- 作为公司增长战略的关键力量,负责制定并执行采购战略,您的专业见解与丰富的经验将帮助业务提升;
- 既需要有中长期的战略思维,又需要您拥有广阔的全球视野,优秀的沟通协作能力,确保与全球供应链团队良好合作。
- 团队管理:负责直接采购团队(5人),包括人员配置、业务培训和绩效管理,充分发挥团队效能,制定交付关键绩效指标(KPI),为团队目标达成 提供坚实支持;
- 供应商管理:深入剖析供应市场态势,精准识别潜在供应商,清晰把握市场趋势与供应动态,在机会洞察、需求分析、供应商评估等方面提供专业且深入的分析报告。
- 采购计划与执行:制定采购策略与计划,主导品类(机加工、焊接、铸件等)采购策略及其相关计划的规划与制定,并协同亚太供应链副总裁以及内部业务部门,确保策略的顺利实施。
- 成本管理:致力于落实采购最佳实践,使其紧密契合公司全球战略布局,深度挖掘改进与利用的契机,为凯络文赢得竞争优势并实现成本的有效节约;
- 借助先进的采购工具(BA、M1-M5)制定并推行采购策略,细致分析各品类当前支出状况,深入探究成本驱动因素与供应基础,敏锐捕捉节约与改进的可能性,并切实实施变革以推动改进措施落地。
- 质量控制:建立和完善质量控制程序,处理质量问题,提供质量问题的解决方案;
- 战略规划和协调:制定并实施采购战略,绘制详尽的相关利益相关者地图,确保策略满足当前及未来业务需求,推动成本、质量和交付的改进;
- 与内部部门携手合作,共同完成投标前文件和招标文件的编制工作,加强成本管理,对报价结果进行高效的合并与汇总,提升招标工作的质量与效率。
- 本科以上,理工科相关专业;
- 10年以上采购工作经验,有团队管理经验,对金属品类(机加工件、焊接件、铸件等)采购熟悉,能够提供支持不断增长的业务对采购策略和利益的需求;
- 能够在矩阵型组织中工作和领导,在基于项目的采购/采购职能中拥有成功的领导经验;
- 积极主动,抗压能力强,面对复杂的问题和业务挑战,能够迅速、准确地挖掘根本原因,寻找问题解决的方式方法;
- 保持积极主动的心态,面对工作中机遇与挑战,能够主动出击,迎难而上;
- 良好的分析能力;谈判和影响技巧;
- 良好的英语口语和书面语能力
- 提供班车
- 带薪年假
- 过节福利费及高温费
- 完善的社会保险、公积金及高额员工及子女商业保险
- 年度体检
- 年度旅游
APAC Sourcing Leader
At Kelvion, our mission is to lead the industrial transformation by championing innovation and sustainability. From optimising data centres and advancing hydrogen production to revolutionizing refrigeration and HVAC systems, our mission-critical thermal solutions empower industries around the globe. United as “One Kelvion,” our global team delivers innovative solutions that drive customer success and support a sustainable future.
Kelvion – Together, We Shape the Future
Reporting to the Vice-President Supply Chain Management APAC you'll step into a dynamic role where your ideas and experiences are actively sought and can make a tangible difference.
You will play a key role in supporting our growth strategy therefore, taking ownership and responsibility for defining and delivering the sourcing strategy and leading a team (6) to deliver day to day activity.
The role therefore requires duel skills in having a medium/ long term strategic approach and global outlook to align and standardize processes with our global supply chain team, alongside outstanding communication; collaboration and leadership skills.
What you will be responsible for:
- Develop and deliver relevant key performance indicators and drive performance measurement for procurement function utilising your team fully; supporting them to deliver KPI’s created
- Leading the sourcing team (5) to collaborate with cross functional and global teams, to manage the development of category sourcing strategies and associated initiatives and deliver the strategy alongside the VP SC APAC and internal customer departments
- Responsible for implement procurement best practice; aligned with our global strategy and seek opportunities to improve / leverage to achieve competitive advantage & cost savings for Kelvion Wuhu. Using leading procurement tools ( BA , M1-M5 ) to develop and implant sourcing strategies
- Analyse category current spend; cost drivers and supply base to explore any saving and improvement opportunities and implement changes to deliver improvement actions
- Mapping relevant stakeholders, have them fully engaged and support from the beginning of project process;
- Analyse supply market to identify potential suppliers and understand the market trends and supply availability; providing analysis across areas such as Opportunity ; Demand; Supplier; Cost etc
- Manage the preparation of pre tender and tender documents in conjunction with key internal departments; Consolidate and summarize quotation results
- Oversee project planning and timeline management
- Lead the negotiation and completion of contract ensure that service, quality , total cost ,assurance of supply; Lead the on going management of supplier performance including auditing and be aware of market trends change that could impact sourcing strategy
- Updating spend cube and maximize the use of spend cube data by identifying best practice and leveraging spend within Kelvion Wuhu
- Provide any other necessary support to VP SC as needed
About you:
- Able to work and lead in a matrix organization with previous successful people leadership within a project based sourcing/ purchasing function; with a proven record of enhancing and growing a team around you; driving your success through your team
- Previous track record of driving change; and for delivery of sourcing strategies and benefits that support a growing manufacturing business
- Desire and experience in collaborating with others globally as well as locally
- Team oriented, able to identify what needs to be improved but also providing the solutions and delivering the actions to achieve these objectives
- You have successfully completed a university degree or have an equivalent academic degree in the field of engineering, economics or business administration
- Motivated individual who is capable of handling a demanding portfolio of activity, showing energy, creativity and flexibility in responding to the needs of this dynamic and challenging area of work
What we offer you:
- Shuttle bus
- Paid annual leave
- Festival welfare fee and colling allowance fee
- Comprehensive social insurance, provident fund and high commercial insurance for employees and your kids
- Annual physical examination
- Annual Tour
At Kelvion we thrive on collaboration, embracing diversity of thought, and valuing every voice. Within Kelvion creativity shines because people are listened too, their contributions recognized, and their ideas welcomed. Our flexible approach to the way we work, places peoples health and satisfaction as a priority, enhancing engagement and fostering career opportunities. We empower engaged individuals to grow, progress and carve their own paths within the company. Together we shape a brighter future, engaging our global teams to act as “one Kelvion”.